Uwp file explorer
Uwp file explorer

uwp file explorer

It's funny to see the gradient in the title bar, contrasting with the bland borderless-sea-of-whiteness of the rest of the UI. I'm sure this situation exists for justifiable reasons, but I don't have to like the end result even when fixing it is difficult and expensive. It reminds me of the old days of Linux on the desktop with various apps running different gui toolkits. What we have now is just sloppy, a beta-quality looking mishmash. Rather than rolling this out piecemeal, over the course of however many years, they could have just gotten it right all at once. I don't know what's necessary to fix it, and likely it's far more involved that I can imagine, but Microsoft has resources at their disposal that would be the envy of all but the largest companies. I suppose they'll eventually almost complete the settings app before moving onto something they consider better. Microsoft should be embarrassed at this mess. Because invariably the legacy control panel applet exposes features I need, and the settings app is rudimentary. Everything else, I start from the run menu if I know the command or launch from the control panel. Settings app tries to do something similar, but for some reason this is more frustrating on Windows than MacOS.Ībout the only thing I use the settings app for are Windows updates.

uwp file explorer

You can only have one module, like network, or printers, selected at one time. Preferences panel gives the appearance of the major settings, all in one place. I think the settings app is just a poor imitation of the Mac preferences panel.

Uwp file explorer